How-to: Simple Angular Debounce using RxJS

Ben Hawkins
Clear Blue Design
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2021


Debouncing is the practice of limiting the rate at which a function fires until after some cooling period.

For example, many applications optimize the UX of their search features by presenting items as the user types. This usually involves debouncing the search function in order to avoid unnecessarily calling the server after every keystroke.

This article shows how to effectively debounce Angular functions, using RxJS.

The Pieces

  1. Subject— a special type of Observable that allows multiple listeners, .next is used to emit new values, .complete is used to close subscriptions
  2. takeUntil(Subject) — used to cancel the search observable if a new value is emitted
  3. debounceTime(milliseconds) — delays values emitted by the Subject, but drops pending emissions if a new value arrives

Putting It Together

For this example, searchItems will be the function to debounce

To control the rate at which searchItems is called, only call the function through an RxJS Subject with a debounceTime pipe

For triggering a new search, just call

Finally, cancel any on-going API calls by using a takeUnil pipe on the search observable.

Don’t forget to close your Subject!

Optimal Approach using Reactive Forms + switchMap

A couple of optimizations can be made to improve the code

  1. By grouping the search fields into a FormGroup you avoid the need for a Subject (and lifecycle management) since you already have access to a multi-casting observable with .valueChanges
  2. Use the async pipe and reference the search observable directly in the html. By storing the search observable in a variable, switchMap can be used as an alternative to takeUntil for cancellation of pending emissions.

switchMap-— On each emission the previous inner observable is cancelled and the new observable is subscribed. You can remember this by the phrase switch to a new observable.

