Creating Widgets with Builder Functions in Flutter

Ben Hawkins
Clear Blue Design
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2020


What is a builder function? 🤔

A builder is a Flutter design pattern in which the construction code of a widget is defined outside of its class. Builder functions are callback interfaces that pass data (often layout-specific) to the parent widget which returns a child based on that data.

Builder functions are used by several built-in widgets such as

ListView.builderrenders items linearly, passes index to builder function for better control over individual items in the list

GridView.builderrenders items in a 2D array, passes index to builder function for control of each tile in the grid

LayoutBuilder passes constraints of parent for size dependent layouts

Built-in Example (ListView):

List<String> veggies = ['Broccoli', 'Carrot', 'Cucumber'];ListView.builder(
itemCount: veggies.length,
itemBuilder: (context, int index) => Text(veggies[index]),
ListView.buider example output

The ListView above handles layout logic for showing items in a scrollable list and outputs an instance of the builder function at every new line.

Notice the 2 parameters, context and index.

The builder function itemBuilder is simply a function signature which is defined by these 2 types:

// itemBuilder is an instance of IndexedWidgetBuildertypedef IndexedWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index);

Dart’s typedef (function-type alias) keyword allows the creation of function signatures which are defined by input parameters alone

Function signatures are used in a widget’s constructor as callback interfaces to separate construction code from the build method and rather be defined per-instance.

The build method is used to define where each instance of the callback should be invoked.

BoardBuilder Example

builder: (context, tileId) {
// draw game piece for tileId

Below is a board widget which provides a callback for each tile, since game logic exists separately from the board’s layout logic.

Our end result will look something like this:

Flutter game board rendered with just a builder function

Step 1: Define a function signature by its input parameters

tileId is used to identify which game piece to render

Step 2: Define the widget which invokes the builder function

The game board will need to provide 64 alphanumeric ids based on row and column. GridView can be used to generate the tiles.

builder is an instance of the BoardWidgetBuilder function signature which passes ids based on tile position

If we implement the current widget and always return back an empty Container we have this

Empty game board

Step 3: Implement the builder widget

A Piece class is used to draw a colored circle depending on some player identifier

Lets also mock-up some game data which is represented as a map from tileId to the player’s id of the piece on that tile

Finally implement the BoardBuilder which returns a Piece if a tileId is populated, otherwise returns Container

And that’s it! The board layout is now very simple to work with so you can better focus on programming the game logic 🎉

BoardBuilder example usage

Full source code:

Feel free to leave feedback or comment if you have questions 👇👇

